5G vs 4G what does it really mean?

5G VS 4G















What does 5G vs 4G really mean?

In a nutshell it is a game changer, Imagine downloading a 2 hour movie in 3.6 seconds. It’s 10 times faster than FiOS best speed of 1 GB, without the restraint of cable wires, it’s all wireless.

5G speech will enable devices like autonomous Vehicles to be safer because Lag time will be decreased. Your cable company will probably be upset because cable will go away and the 5G will take over all videos streaming. It’s just fast.

Unfortunately the infrastructure has not been fully adopted and estimates are that the infrastructure will not be available until 2025. Your current phone even if it does exist generally not be able to use the full extent of the 5G unless your phone has been specifically been engineered for 5G.